Anga, Vanga, Sumha, Pundra, Kalinga

 The name of areas of Anga, Vanga, Sumha, Pundra and Kalinga come from the Kingdoms during the Late Vedic age or the iron age of the Indian Subcontinent. These kingdoms are the areas of Present day West Bengal, Orissa , Bihar, Bangladesh.

Raja Bali who was the grandson of Prahlad and who had been given the place of patal lok by the Vaman Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Raja Bali had no children, So he asked for a boon of children from Sage Dirghatamas. He had four children namely Anga, Vanga, Sumha, Pundra, Kalinga who stated the kingdoms on their names.

Vanga was Present Day South West Bengal and South West Bangladesh. Its capital was situated in Kotalipara in Bangladesh. Jessore and Sundarbans were a part of Upa Vanga as mentioned in puran. They also fought with the Kaurav in the Mahabharata war.

Anga was present Day Bihar, its capital was located in champa in eastern Bihar. The name was mentioned in Atharvaveda. Karna was the ruler of this region during the Mahabharata period. Later Buddhism was a major part of this area. Nalanda and Takhshashila the Epitome place for knowledge and philosophy were also present here.

The Sumha Kingdom was the present day Hooghly, Howrah and Midnapur. There is mention about them in the puranas. The capital of the region was Tamrulipta (Present day Tamluk)

The Kalinga is the present day orissa. The Kalinga region is generally defined as the eastern coastal region between the Mahanadi and the Godavari rivers.

The Pundra was present day  Rajshahi and Rangpur Divisions of Bangladesh as well as the West Dinajpur district of West Bengal and also some parts of Assam.The Capital was located at Mahasthangarh in present day Bogra District of Bangladesh. The story of Behula and Lakhindara as mentioned in the shiv Purana is said to be happened here. Chand Sadagar statues and buildings of historical significance can be found in this region.

In later times during the classical period a region of Kamarup in the regions of nothern west bengal , Sylhet in Bangladesh and Assam came under this kingdom.


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